The Federation's Media Department's plans are mapped out under the directives and supervision of His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the Federation and they aim to present a comprehensive and precise coverage of equestrian and racing events.
The department's main aim is to strengthen the relationship with the local and the international media and to attract them to the equestrian events in the country. 
The department is also engaged in providing information data base and resource to the media. This move has enabled the print and the electronic media in popularizing equestrian events not only in the country but on an international level.
The Federation also has local, Arab and international media to cover the endurance rides. The media has also reciprocated favourably to our gestures and has given utmost importance to all equestrian events, which in turn have gone a long way in ensuring the success of the sport. The media has played a pivotal role in spreading the awareness of the sport through its comprehensive coverage not only locally but also internationally.
In the endeavour to make the equestrian events, particularly the endurance sport, more popular, the Federation invites specialised newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations of international repute to cover the endurance events in the country. The media department at the Federation regularly brings out various publications on events and occasions concerning endurance rides. The publications highlight the rules and regulations of endurance rides and present the latest developments in all related topics. The Media department aims to attract youngsters and elders alike to the interesting world of endurance by bringing out various publications that could enlighten them on the sport.
Besides the Media department also brings out publications to coincide with endurance rides and other events outside the Emirates. These high quality publications include race cards, posters, post cards and booklets.
The audio-visual library at the Federation contains all events organized by the Federation both in the UAE and outside the country. Many well-known international publications such as The Times, Der Spiegal, The Guardian, And The Washington Post to a name a few, have been benefited by the Federation's publications.
The regular publications from the Media department include booklets entitled Endurance which are brought out immediately after the completion of each ride in the UAE. Other regular features include, annual booklets, booklets for children, calendars, posters, post cards and several other publications concerning the equestrian world.